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Music is my way of expressing myself and making the world a better and more beautiful place.

I have dedicated my life to piano music and I can't imagine anything else that would give me more satisfaction, fulfillment, joy of living and giving.

News & Latest Videos

BRAHMS - Muzyczny Alfabet Grzegorza Niemczuka - odcinek 30
#lekcjamuzyki #teoriamuzyki #ballada
Muzyczny alfabet to projekt przeznaczony dla meloman贸w i os贸b niewykszta艂conych muzycznie. To podr贸偶 przez terminy muzyczne, t艂umaczone w prosty spos贸b tak, by by艂y zrozumia艂e dla ka偶dego. Poszerzajmy wsp贸lnie swoj膮 wiedz臋 o muzyce! Ka偶dy na Read More
Chopin - Prelude no. 12 op. 28 in G-sharp minor - Greg Niemczuk's Professional Piano...
#chopin #pianotutorial #pianolessons
Tips from a concert pianist on Chopin's Preludes.
video with analysis:
contact - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (online classes available)
----- Online lessons, mentoring, advices available: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., whatsapp: +48453405920
Lessons in English, Spanish.
----- Facebook fanpage:
Greg鈥檚 CDs releases:
Spotify 鈥
iTunes Read More
Live streaming of Grzegorz (Greg) Niemczuk - announcing a program of two new CDs
Announcement and description of my two new albums which I'm going to record in February!
More information about the all-Chopin project on my website:
Live streaming of Grzegorz (Greg) Niemczuk
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio